8/16/17, 5:01 PM - Abdu Bello Rishi: Assalamu alaikum, gaisuwa ne da roqon iri.
8/20/17, 1:49 PM - Abdu Bello Rishi: Is't true?
: Big Lesson for Christians and Muslims: Robin Scott shared this on her Facebook page:
Christians and Muslims are more alike than different.
Please read that which I have discovered - Robin
1. Jesus taught that there is only One God and Only God should be worshipped as taught in Deut 6:4, Mark 12:29.
Muslims also believe this as taught in the Qur'an verse 4:171.
2. Jesus didn't eat pork as taught in Leviticus 11:7, and neither do Muslims as taught in the Qur'an verse 6:145.
3. Jesus greeted with the words "as salaamualaikum" (Peace be with you) in John 20:21. Muslims also greet each other this way.
4. Jesus always said "God Willing" (inshallah), Muslims say this too before doing anything as taught in the Qur'an verses 18:23-24.
5. Jesus washed his face, hands, and feet before praying. The Muslims do the same.
6. Jesus and other prophets of the Bible offerd prayer with their head to the ground (see Matthew 26:39). Muslims do too as taught in the Qur'an verse 3:43.
7. Jesus had beard and wore a throbe. It is Sunnah for Muslim men to do the same.
8. Jesus followed the law and believed in all the prophets, (see Matthew 5:17). Muslims do too as taught in the Qur'an
verses 3:84, and 2:285.
9. Jesus' mother Maryam dressed modestly by fully covering her body and wearing a headscarf (hijab) as found in 1 Timothy 2:9, Genesis 24:64-65, and Corinthians 11:6. Muslim women modestly dress the same as taught in the Qur'an verse 33:59.
10. Jesus and other prophets of the Bible fasting up to 40 days (see Exodus 34:28, Daniel 10:2-6, Kings 19:8, and Matthew 4:1- Muslims do so also during the month of Ramadan. Muslims are required to fast the full obligatory 30 days (see Qur'an 2:183), and others take it a step further by fasting an additional 6 days to increase their rewards.
11. Jesus taught to say "Peace to this house" when entering it (see Luke 10:5), and to also greet the people in the house with "peace be unto you". Muslims do exactly what Jesus did and taught. When we enter our homes and the homes of others we say "Bismillah" and also greet with "as salaamu alaikum" (peace be upon you) as taught in the Qur'an verse 24:61.
12. Jesus was circumcised. Circumcision is 1 of the 5 fitrah in Islam, so Muslim men are required to be circumcised. According to the Bible in Luke 2:21, Jesus was eight days old when he was circumcised. In the Torah, Allah/God stated to the Prophet Abraham that it is an "Everlasting covenant" (see Genesis 17:13). In the Qur'an verse 16:123 Muslims are required to follow the religion of Abraham. The Prophet Muhammad said, "The Prophet Abraham circumcised himself when he was eighty years old."
13. Jesus spoke aramaic and called God "Elah", which is pronounced the same as "Allah". Aramaic is an ancient, Biblical language. It is one of the Semitic languages that also include Hebrew, Arabic, Ethiopic and the ancient Assyrian and Babylonian language of Akkadian.
The Aramaic"Elah" and the Arabic "Allah" are the same.
The Aramaic "Elah" is derived from the Arabic "Allah", and it means "GOD". "Allah" in Arabic also means"GOD", the Supreme GOD Almighty. You can easily see the similarity in their pronunciation so this concludes that the God of Jesus is also the God of the Muslims, of all mankind, and all that exist.
(Do share to promote religious understanding & peace in the world)
8/20/17, 2:57 PM - Wadazubair: Slm
8/20/17, 9:50 PM - Abdu Bello Rishi: Ya oga?
8/20/17, 9:50 PM - Abdu Bello Rishi: Ka yi aure kuwa?
8/20/17, 10:05 PM - Wadazubair: Hmmm a a
8/21/17, 12:01 PM - Abdu Bello Rishi: Where U?
8/21/17, 1:48 PM - Wadazubair: Jos
2/26/18, 11:13 AM - Abdu Bello Rishi: Alhamdu Lillah,
Muna unguwar bawa a a hanyar mu ta Zuwa Sokoto daga Jos, a hanya ta ta Zuwa Niamey har Say, da fatan za ku raka mu da addu'a.
Allah Ya cika MUKU burin Ku na alkhairi Duniya da Qiyama.
Abdu Bello Rishi (ALFANU)
Printable Version واجهة الطباعة
Main Version الواجهة الرئيسية
سورة Sura الأنبياء Al-Anbiyaa
آية Aya 84
وَمِنَ الشَّيَاطِينِ مَن يَغُوصُونَ لَهُ وَيَعْمَلُونَ عَمَلًا دُونَ ذَٰلِكَ ۖ وَكُنَّا لَهُمْ حَافِظِينَ (82) ۞ وَأَيُّوبَ إِذْ نَادَىٰ رَبَّهُ أَنِّي مَسَّنِيَ الضُّرُّ وَأَنتَ أَرْحَمُ الرَّاحِمِينَ (83) فَاسْتَجَبْنَا لَهُ فَكَشَفْنَا مَا بِهِ مِن ضُرٍّ ۖ وَآتَيْنَاهُ أَهْلَهُ وَمِثْلَهُم مَّعَهُمْ رَحْمَةً مِّنْ عِندِنَا وَذِكْرَىٰ لِلْعَابِدِينَ (84) وَإِسْمَاعِيلَ وَإِدْرِيسَ وَذَا الْكِفْلِ ۖ كُلٌّ مِّنَ الصَّابِرِينَ (85) وَأَدْخَلْنَاهُمْ فِي رَحْمَتِنَا ۖ إِنَّهُم مِّنَ الصَّالِحِينَ (86) وَذَا النُّونِ إِذ ذَّهَبَ مُغَاضِبًا فَظَنَّ أَن لَّن نَّقْدِرَ عَلَيْهِ فَنَادَىٰ فِي الظُّلُمَاتِ أَن لَّا إِلَٰهَ إِلَّا أَنتَ سُبْحَانَكَ إِنِّي كُنتُ مِنَ الظَّالِمِينَ (87) فَاسْتَجَبْنَا لَهُ وَنَجَّيْنَاهُ مِنَ الْغَمِّ ۚ وَكَذَٰلِكَ نُنجِي الْمُؤْمِنِينَ (88) وَزَكَرِيَّا إِذْ نَادَىٰ رَبَّهُ رَبِّ لَا تَذَرْنِي فَرْدًا وَأَنتَ خَيْرُ الْوَارِثِينَ (89) فَاسْتَجَبْنَا لَهُ وَوَهَبْنَا لَهُ يَحْيَىٰ وَأَصْلَحْنَا لَهُ زَوْجَهُ ۚ إِنَّهُمْ كَانُوا يُسَارِعُونَ فِي الْخَيْرَاتِ وَيَدْعُونَنَا رَغَبًا وَرَهَبًا ۖ وَكَانُوا لَنَا خَاشِعِينَ (90)
الصفحة Page 329
التفسير Tafsir (explication) القرطبي - Al-Qortoby
فَاسْتَجَبْنَا لَهُ فَكَشَفْنَا مَا بِهِ مِن ضُرٍّ ۖ وَآتَيْنَاهُ أَهْلَهُ وَمِثْلَهُم مَّعَهُمْ رَحْمَةً مِّنْ عِندِنَا وَذِكْرَىٰ لِلْعَابِدِينَ (84)
قوله تعالى : فكشفنا ما به من ضر وآتيناه أهله ومثلهم معهم قال مجاهد وعكرمة قيل لأيوب - صلى الله عليه وسلم - : قد آتيناك أهلك في الجنة فإن شئت تركناهم لك في الجنة وإن شئت آتيناكهم في الدنيا . قال مجاهد : فتركهم الله - عز وجل - له في الجنة وأعطاه مثلهم في الدنيا . قال النحاس : والإسناد عنهما بذلك صحيح .
قلت : وحكاه المهدوي عن ابن عباس . وقال الضحاك : قال عبد الله بن مسعود كان أهل أيوب قد ماتوا إلا امرأته فأحياهم الله - عز وجل - في أقل من طرف البصر ، وآتاه مثلهم معهم . وعن ابن عباس أيضا : كان بنوه قد ماتوا فأحيوا له وولد له مثلهم معهم . وقال قتادة وكعب الأحبار والكلبي وغيرهم . قال ابن مسعود : مات أولاده وهم سبعة من الذكور وسبعة من الإناث فلما عوفي نشروا له ، وولدت امرأته سبعة بنين وسبع بنات . الثعلبي : وهذا القول أشبه بظاهر الآية .
قلت : لأنهم ماتوا ابتلاء قبل آجالهم حسب ما تقدم �
2/27/18, 9:06 AM - Abdu Bello Rishi: Abdu Bello ke muku gaisuwar sa daga qonnin Nijar: Aslm! ALLAH ya kara mana son Annabi (SAW)
da lafiya mai dorewa da wadatar zuci da ta aljihu.
ALLAH ya karbi ibadun mu Ya dora mu akan daidai, ya yi mana kyakkyawan karshe, ameen. Barka da talata
2/27/18, 10:57 PM - Wadazubair: 🌲 GARGADI 🌲
✍🏻Dan uwa ka zama mai jajircewa wajan neman halal karka zama Maroki.
✍🏻ka zama mai yawan sadaqa wata rana zaka ga amfaninta.
✍🏻karka raina matsayin wani saboda gaba.
✍🏻karka duba wanda ya fika wadata katina kaima kafi wani.
✍🏻karka zamo cikin masu asarar Rana guda ba tare da sunyi salatin Annabi s.a.w) ba.
✍🏻Yi kokari ka yaqi shaidan ta hanyar karanta Alqur'ani domin kariya ne agaremu.
✍🏻Zamo mai yawan tuna mutuwa hakan zaisa ka cire kwadayin Duniya.
✍🏻Dan uwa Yi kokari ka damqe sha'awarka dan itama ta zama masifa a wannan zamani.
✍🏻in ka samu dama kai aikin alhairi da ita kafin ta kubce maka.
✍🏻Dan uwa dan Allah karka gani ka wuce ba tare da ka turawa wani group ba, ko ba komai zai masu amfani.
2/27/18, 11:04 PM - Wadazubair: Allah yatsare ya dawo daku lafiya
2/28/18, 12:05 PM - Abdu Bello Rishi: <Media omitted>
3/2/18, 8:37 PM - Wadazubair: Ok
3/2/18, 8:45 PM - Wadazubair: DUK WANDA YA AMSA WANNAN TAMBAYAR
shine gwarzon sati nawannan group din
1. Akwai wasu Manyan Annabawa guda uku wadanda Kansu bai ta'ba yin furfura ba.. (Sunayensu yazo acikin Suratu Maryam a. s. ) Suwaye wadannan??
2. Akwai wasu Annabawa guda Uku
wadanda basu taba yin aure ba har suka
koma ga Allah (Su ma sunayensu yazo ajere acikin Suratul An-aam). Meye sunansu???
3. Akwai wasu Annabawa guda biyu,
Sarakuna ne kuma Manzanni ne. Daya daga cikinsu shi ya haifi dayan. Meye sunansu????
4. Akwai wasu Annabawa Mursalai guda 2. Wa da Qani ne. Shi Qanin an bashi Littafi da Mu'ujizozi. shi kuma yayan an bashi Fasahar harshe. Meye sunansu?????
5. Akwai wani Annabi Mursali (Ba Annabi Adamu bane) amma duk wanda ka gani abayan Qasa, to Jikansa ne.wane Annabine???????
6. Annabi Ya'aqubu yana da wani suna wanda Allah ya ambaceshi dashi acikin Alqur'ani. Kuma har yanzu ana kiran Zuriyarsa da wannan Sunan.. Shin wanne suna ne wannan????????? ??
7. Akwai wata halitta wacce Allah yai mata Wahayi.. ita ba Mutum bace, ba Aljan bace, kuma ba Mala'ika bace. Shin wacce Halitta ce
wannan???????? idan kasani Fada mana domun mu karu idan kuma baka sani ba turawa wasu domin su ammfana suma Allah yasa mudache amin.
3/3/18, 9:35 AM - Abdu Bello Rishi: Da ma abin da ya ke 6ata sallah ko alwalla ko ya ke 6ata addini ka kawo min don na kiyaye ya fi wadannan tambayoyin da ba za a tanbaye ka a qabari ko lokacin Mutuwa ba.
3/3/18, 11:27 AM - Wadazubair: Gaskiyane
10/9/18, 8:12 AM - Abdu Bello Rishi: NLC Stakeholders Meet over Minimum Wage http://tz.ucweb.com/10_3pRAc
Narrated Abu Masud Al-Badri (Radi-Allahu 'anhu):
The Prophet (Sallallahu 'Alaihi Wa Sallam) said, "A man's spending on his family is a deed of charity."
Bukhari Vol. 5 : No. 343
Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala says in the Noble Quraan: "By Time! Verily man is at a Loss" (Al-Quraan Al-Asr:1,2)
The Prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi Wa Sallam) is reported to have said: "There are 2 blessings in which most people are in great loss 1. Health 2. Free time" ( Hadith Bukhari)
10/12/18, 9:02 AM - Abdu Bello Rishi: Kana lahiya?
10/11/18, 8:09 PM - Wadazubair: Ina rokon Allah ya saukar da albarka, Alkhairi, Falala, Wadata, Ni'ima, Gafara, Rahama, Lafiya mai amfani, kwanciyar hankali a garemu da Zuri'armu, da Musulmai Baki daya Ameen.
*Barka da Safiya
10/12/18, 10:11 AM - Abdu Bello Rishi: Ina rokon Allah ya saukar da albarka, Alkhairi, Falala, Wadata, Ni'ima, Gafara, Rahama, Lafiya mai amfani, kwanciyar hankali a garemu da Zuri'armu, da Musulmai Baki daya Ameen.
*Barka da Safiya
10/12/18, 11:52 AM - Wadazubair: Lafiya lau
10/12/18, 11:47 PM - Abdu Bello Rishi: IMG-20181012-WA0009.jpg (file attached)
10/13/18, 7:41 PM - Wadazubair: Ya malam
10/13/18, 7:51 PM - Abdu Bello Rishi: Nijar ke nan!
10/13/18, 7:52 PM - Wadazubair: Oga mai kajeyi
10/13/18, 8:01 PM - Abdu Bello Rishi: AF! Ba KA San ina karatu ba? Har na shiga 300level bana?
10/13/18, 8:02 PM - Abdu Bello Rishi: IMG-20181013-WA0005.jpg (file attached)
10/13/18, 8:04 PM - Abdu Bello Rishi: IMG-20181013-WA0006.jpg (file attached)
10/13/18, 8:05 PM - Abdu Bello Rishi: IMG-20181013-WA0008.jpg (file attached)
10/13/18, 8:05 PM - Abdu Bello Rishi: IMG-20181013-WA0007.jpg (file attached)
10/13/18, 8:05 PM - Abdu Bello Rishi: <Media omitted>
10/13/18, 8:05 PM - Abdu Bello Rishi: <Media omitted>
10/13/18, 8:05 PM - Abdu Bello Rishi: IMG-20181013-WA0010.jpg (file attached)
10/13/18, 8:05 PM - Abdu Bello Rishi: IMG-20181013-WA0009.jpg (file attached)
10/13/18, 8:06 PM - Abdu Bello Rishi: IMG-20181013-WA0014.jpg (file attached)
10/13/18, 8:06 PM - Abdu Bello Rishi: IMG-20181013-WA0012.jpg (file attached)
10/13/18, 8:06 PM - Abdu Bello Rishi: IMG-20181013-WA0011.jpg (file attached)
10/13/18, 8:06 PM - Abdu Bello Rishi: IMG-20181013-WA0013.jpg (file attached)
Chat history is attached as "WhatsApp Chat with Wadazubair.txt" file to this email.
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